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SterySEO v1.2 Update: Pay with Bitcoin and Location Search improvements!

November 7, 2022

Despite the early November distractions, we’ve made good progress on our Heading Scraper tool over the last two weeks:

BTCPay Server

Added option to pay with Bitcoin and avoid providing credit card + payment info…

If you pay with Bitcoin, you get the rest of the month free. It covers usage for the next month, so you can pay $5 today and use it through the end of the year.

When you pay with Bitcoin, you can avoid providing credit card and payment information.

After you register with an email, select Pay With Bitcoin:

Pay with Bitcoin

Send a BTC payment through our BTCPay Server store:

BTCPay Store invoice

Once your payment has 1 confirmation on-chain, we create your subscription and you are ready to start scraping headings.

Advanced Search – Location Setting

You can now set a city or country when you run a search…

location search setting

For example, “HVAC near me” in Columbus, Ohio. It gives you localized results if your customers are specific to a city/country.

As you type the location, you will get suggested cities and countries.

The location setting will automatically set the global location (gl), host language (hl), and google domain (e.g. for Ireland).

The default search settings are “us”, “en”, and “”.

Give it a try to get localized search results!