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Blog Post Templates for Types of Tea

50 Blog Post Templates in 5 Minutes

December 15, 2022

The last thing you want to do when sitting in the coffee shop at 6:30 AM is stare at a blank screen with writer’s block. A great way to break through and get going on your next post is to start with blog post templates.

Today we will use the SterySEO Heading Scraper to generate 50 blog post templates in 5 mins.

Use the search to generate blog post templates

We’ll start with 5 of the most common types of articles and scrape headings from the top-ranking results to get our templates.

For this post, we’ll find templates for a site focused on “tea.”  We’ll look at two top-ranking results for each keyword for ideas on how to structure our article.

When writing your outline, you want to pull parts from the top-ranking sites to write the post from your specific angle. You don’t want to copy the top post word-for-word.

1. How to Blog Post Templates

The “How To” article is one of the most common types. A how-to post is content that teaches the reader how to do something.

Here are the different templates for the keywords “how to make tea.”

how to make tea templates

How to Make Tea 5 Ways – Allrecipes

How to Make Tea: A Complete Guide – The Picky Eater

Key Takeaways

The first thing that jumps out is we need to cover how to make multiple types of tea. You’ll also notice both articles provide related information like What is Tea, the History of Brewing Tea, Types of Tea, and Tea FAQs.

2. List Post Templates

Sometimes called a “listicle,” a list post is one of the most common blog post formats. You can create a list article on almost any topic. Lists like “X Best for Y…” or “5 X that Y…” or “X Secrets to Achieve Y…” are all particularly common online.

Here are the different templates for the keywords “types of tea.”

types of tea templates

Types of Tea: A Comprehensive Guide – ArtfulTea

Types of Tea: How to Steep & Serve Different Varieties

Key Takeaways

Both articles list ten or more types of tea. The first one focuses on the 10 types of tea with subheadings for how it is made and where it is from. The second article covers 11 types of tea. Then it dives into a bunch of different related topics. You probably want to pull some of these into your article and maybe add other topic areas.

3. Step-by-step Blog Post Templates

A step-by-step post walks the reader through the steps to accomplish a certain task. Examples include A Step-By-Step Guide to “Make Coffee”, “Conduct an SEO Audit”, or “Deploy a WordPress Site”.

Here are the different templates for the keywords “step by step tea.”

step by step tea templates

How to Make Loose Leaf Tea: A Step by Step Guide

How to Make Tea Properly – Simple Loose Leaf

Key Takeaways

These articles cover the steps but also include FAQs to address related topics. Some steps include subheadings to address substitutions and questions people might have as they follow the steps.

4. Best X Blog Post Templates

The Best X blog post template is a listicle that deserves its own section. The post is often a review of a variety of different products. It often starts with a “Best Overall” and then gives “Best for X” subcategories.

Here are the different templates for the keywords “best green tea.”

Blog Post Templates for Best Green Tea Results

The 8 Best Green Teas of 2022 | by The Spruce Eats

The 9 Best Green Teas of 2022, According to a Dietitian

Key Takeaways

The post starts with a “Best Overall” and then includes a bunch of subcategories. When you can see all the top SERP results, you can pick the subcategories that best match the angle of your site. You’ll also notice each post includes an entire section on how they selected the winners titled “What to Look for in Green Tea”. This section helps your expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EAT) score. There is also a FAQ section you can use to target additional keywords.

5. X vs Y Blog Post Templates

An X vs Y post compares two or more similar products or services the reader might consider. The post will provide the pros and cons of each decision. It often pits a market leader against an up-and-coming competitor or two major market leaders. An example is “Ahrefs vs Semrush.”

Here are the different templates for the keywords “black tea vs green tea.”

black tea vs green tea templates

Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Which One Is Healthier?

Black Tea vs. Green Tea: What’s the Difference? | ArtfulTea

Key Takeaways

Each of these templates takes a different approach. The first has separate h2 headings for green tea and black tea. Then matching h3 headings within those sections. The second sample uses six h3 headings with different categories to compare and contrast green and black tea.

All 50 Blog Post Templates

If you want to see all 50 templates, here are the comparison spreadsheets for each keyword:

Which blog post template should you use?

You don’t necessarily need to match the top-ranking sites. However, you do need to match the search intent for the SERP. The 4 types of search intent are navigational, informational, transactional, and commercial investigation. As long as you match the correct search intent, you should pick the post that presents the info from the best angle for your audience.


If you like this approach to quickly generating tailored blog post templates, get a free 7-day trial of the SterySEO Heading Scraper Tool.